Application Analytics

Apple App Analytics 

Note: this feature is only available to clients who have their own Apple Developer Account. If you don’t have one and are interested in setting one up, please consult this resource.

Apple has created a simple interface for tracking analytics. An important thing to note is that Apple only collects data from users running iOS 8 or later, and users who opt-in to sharing their data with app developers. We’ve seen roughly ⅓ of users opt into this kind of tracking. This however only applies to metrics like “Sessions” where the user is tracked over time. 

“Sales” & “App Units” are tracked for everyone due to their importance to developers. 

To begin looking at the data navigate to your iTunes Connect. The account you’re using must have admin, finance, or sales role in order to access the analytics tab.

Listed along the top include the most important stats from each of your applications. 

This data includes Impressions (views), Units (downloads), Sales (only relevant if your application costs something), Sessions (app loads), and Crashes. The latter two are only available through that opt-in audience discussed earlier. 

When you navigate either into or below the applications you can see that data segmented over time. This is useful to track the application’s trajectory and assessing the success of campaigns. 

Another feature of this page is the ability to see how your application is performing by territory and by platform should your application be available in/on different territories or platforms. 

You can navigate into the “Metrics” pane in order to see a more detailed breakdown of an applications statistics. The last major feature on the opening page is a retention diagram. This will help you understand how many people are using your app after they download it. 


Moving on to the next section you’ll find “Metrics” You any one of the metrics listed in the side-bar and manipulate the type of graph (bar, line, etc) and period (time). You can graph these metrics against each other using the “Compare To” tool. All of this can be downloaded and put into an excel document for further analysis. 


The next section in App Analytics is “Sources.” This section lets you see the top referral methods. The data is broken down into App Referrals, Web Referrals and Campaigns. This will tell you the primary methods of collecting users and the effectiveness of specific campaigns.