Promo Banners

Promote a new deal, hero your best-selling item, share a discount code with Promo Banners!

Promo banners are a powerful tool for integrating your marketing campaigns with the storefront, quickly guiding your customers to add promotional vouchers or directing them to new products or categories.

The banners are added via the MOBI admin, you can now set these up yourself!

See below for How to set up your banners, including required dimensions.

Trial the Banners

You can try these banners for yourself on our demo storefront here:

Click the image below to view a video of how to create a banner

How to set up your banners

To set up a new banner or edit an existing one, head to:
/headoffice/[your HO ID]/settings/banners

1. Go to the Website dropdown in your lefthand navigation (at head office level), and select Banners

Here you can see all the banners for the headoffice, and the dates that they are scheduled for. You can delete old banners, or leave them for future reference and toggle them on and off.

2. Click + New Banner and follow the steps.



You need to add two banners for each promo campaign, one for the desktop view and one for the mobile view. See below for the required dimensions.

View the preview up the top to see what the banner will look like in action.

Banner name

This is mandatory, but all others are optional. This is for your reference only, and is not used or shown anywhere other than in the admin. We suggest using a campaign name or similar, so the names are unique.



For each of these actions you will need to ensure you’re choosing the correct voucher or product/category within the right menu, so this might take a bit of investigation.

See below for the different actions you can trigger.

NOTE: If you are creating a banner for different languages, please select the Language first, before you assign the Action.



By default your banner will show on the storefront as soon as you save the campaign.

You can also choose to schedule your banners for a specific time, allowing you to run timed campaigns and set up future campaigns in advance.

  • If you’d like to schedule the start time, untick β€œNow” and choose a date and time.

  • If you’d like to choose the end date, untick β€œNever” and choose a date and time.

You can also set a repeating schedule, say for a Happy Hour special or Taco Tuesday Promo. You could add multiple schedules to show a banner every Tuesday and Thursday perhaps.

The settings are:

  • Start: Now or Later (Choose the date to start showing)
  • End: Never or Schedule (Choose the date to stop showing)
  • Repeat: Off or On
  • Duration: Number of Hours / Days / Weeks
  • Interval: Every / 2nd / 3rd / 4th Week or Day



If no changes are made here, the banners will show for all languages that your brand supports on the storefront.

  • If you select only one language, the banners will only show for users who are viewing the storefront in that language (often that is determined by their browser)

  • If you would like different banners to show for different storefront languages, please create a separate banner with new images.



By default the banner will show for all locations. 

You can choose for the banner to show for certain locations only, and the banner will show or hide depending on the location selected on the storefront. If you set locations manually, the banners won't show up on the storefront until your user selects a location via the storefront.



Make sure you stick to the correct dimensions, you will not be able to upload the images unless they are correct:

Desktop: 2400 x 600px 
Mobile: 1080 x 600px

The images must be under 2MB also. We recommend optimising your banners for web with an online tool such as: The smaller the file sizes, the faster your storefront will load!


Banner Actions

There are 5 Actions that can be set up to interact with your digital menu.
These are:

  • Open Product
  • Add Product to Cart
  • Add Voucher
  • Go to Category
  • Go to Loyalty

Open Product

These banners show a particular product and link straight to the product editor view. These are great for promotions pushing a particular menu item or combo.

Banners Flow-Open Product

Add Product to Cart

Use these banners so customers can quickly add a product to their order.
This Action is best used for simple products that don't require modifier choices, drinks for example.

Note: If the linked product has any required modifiers it will open the Product Editor view, basically the same Action as Open Product.

Banners Flow-Add Product

Add Voucher

Combine your banner with a voucher code to remove the need for your customers to manually enter  the code. They can simply click the banner to add the code directly to their order.

Shown below is the voucher code being applied to the order and how it appears on the Order screen:

Note: For the Add voucher Action you need to set up the Voucher Codes first in your Vouchers admin. /headoffice/[your HO ID]/settings/vouchers

Banners Flow-Add Voucher

Go to Category

Use these banners to push a particular category. When the banner is clicked the menu scrolls to the linked category.

Banners Flow-Go to Category

Go to Loyalty

Use these banners in combination with a loyalty system to point your customers directly to your loyalty system.

NOTE: If you want to use banners, you need to be on the V4 desktop and mobile storefront. Contact MOBI Support if you can't get your banners to show. 

Banners Carousel

It is possible to add more than one banner at a time. When you add additional banners, the carousel will be automatically activated.

Banners-Single vs Carousel

Banner Dimensions Download


For any questions, contact