Products are at the heart of your menu and where you will spend the most time configuring. Products can be shared across multiple categories.
Tip - You can import products directly through the Menu Importer
Creating New Products
To create a new Product you will need to click on "Product" > "Create New" from the menu editor
Please note: Before your product will display on your menu, it will need to be assigned to a category which is attached to an active menu
Here is a breakdown of all the fields available to fill. Note that not all of them are compulsory.
Display Name (compulsory)- This is the name for the product that displays in your Storefront to customers.
Internal Name (compulsory)- This is useful if you have multiple products and want to assign more descriptive names to them for internal tracking in the menu editor. The internal name is not seen by customers.
For example: [ Burgers ] Cheeseburger
Price - The price of the product.
Display Price - By default, the price is shown with each product in the Storefront. The display price option allows you to override what is displayed. For example, if you want to be more descriptive with the pricing and display 'Small $5 | Medium $10 | Large $15', or, have the price show without the '$'. If you don't want a price to display at all you can just add a '(space)' to this field. The display price will not affect the price calculation based on the amount entered in the price field.
Image - You can add images for each of your products. You can upload images for use in the menu editor by using the Image Uploader. Please note images need to be enabled under "Website"
Description - This is the product description that is displayed to customers in your Storefront.
PLU - When integrating your Store with a point of sale system you will need to assign a PLU to each product. This is done in your POS before you import your menu. The PLU needs to be the same as the PLU assigned to the corresponding product in your point of sale. If you are not integrating with a point of sale then a PLU is not required.
Tags - Tags help you to enhance your menu by showing dietary filters, popular items, adding preparation time, auto-select an item and more... More information about tags here.
Creating New Products - Advanced Options
The following advanced settings are available when creating a new product:
Modifier Credit - The modifier credit option allows you the ability to provide a certain value of modifiers at no cost where a customer would usually be charged. This credit applies across all modifier groups assigned to a product.
Modifier Selection Limit - The modifier selection limit options allows you to restrict the total number of modifiers a customer can select for a product. This selection limit applies across all modifier groups assigned to a product.
Price Tiers - This is used to set the product with a different price than the price set in the main settings. Example: if two locations sell the same product but price differently, location 1 can use the main price while location 2 can use Price Tier 1.
Important: the price tier will only be enabled for a location if this location is set to a price tier in its settings (Store >> SETTINGS >> GENERAL SETTINGS >> Menu Tier).
Property Tiers - This field can be disregarded.
Assigning Modifier Groups to a Product
Once you save your product the button will appear allowing you the option to add modifier groups to your product if required. The same modifier group can be assigned to multiple products.
To add modifier groups to your product select the modifier group on the left that you want to add.
Tip - To change the order modifier groups are displayed in your Storefront you can use the button to the left of each selected modifier group to drag and re-arrange the order.
Assigning Default Modifiers to a Product
Once you save your product the button will appear allowing you the option to add modifier groups to your product if required.
Default modifiers allow you to have modifiers shown as pre-selected for a product, allowing a customer to un-select / remove. The modifiers will need to be a member of a modifier group assigned to the product in order to show. As an example, if your product is a cheese burger you could have cheese, beetroot and gherkin pre-selected as a default modifier, allowing a customer to remove any of these from the product.